How to Upload List to Facebook Page

Facebook Custom AudiencesLooking for artistic new ways to abound your success with Facebook Ads?

Today I want to share some new ideas for how you lot can use Facebook's  Customer Audience feature to refine your ad targeting and get more bang for your marketing cadet.

For those of y'all who still haven't tried information technology, Custom Audiences is a powerful new tool which allows you to create lists of people yous want to target Facebook ads at based on a list of email addresses, unique Facebook IDs or phone numbers.

Important Disclaimer: This commodity is intended to help you go your creative juices flowing and start thinking about what is now possible using Facebook ads audiences. Some of these ideas might be confronting the terms of service for using Custom Audiences.

I'm non recommending that you try all these techniques (but if you lot did, you'd probably get an awesome ROI. Just sayin.)

Custom Audiences are one of the almost effective targeting techniques that I apply for my consulting clients.

Hither'southward some artistic ideas for y'all to consider…

i) Target Journalists and Bloggers

Start of past creating a list of all the influential journalists and bloggers that you want to target. And so locate each of these people's individual Facebook profiles (you can pay somebody at to do this work for y'all). Once you have a listing of all their profile URLs, y'all can get their Facebook ID numbers by going to

Or you can besides find anybody's ID past adding the word "graph" to their contour URL, like this

Add all these IDs to a list and you tin now target all the influencers in your marketing.

(Update Oct. ii, 2014: This idea is clearly against Facebooks'south updated terms of service so use this strategy at your own risk)

2) Target Employees of a Specific Company or Arrangement.

Trying to grow your B2B leads?

Gather a list of emails, telephone numbers or Facebook IDs of people that y'all want to do business with (yeah, I know this is against Facebook's rules. But this is just theoretical). You can often discover emails or telephone numbers on a visitor's website. Throw this data into a new custom audience and hitting them upwardly with ads sending them to a targeted landing page.

3) Retargeting

Facebook RetargetingFor a larger company with the right resources, y'all tin find customers who visited specific pages on your site (assuming they were signed in to your site and you accept their emails) and hitting them up with ads near the products they viewed. You can also use this technique to target people who carelessness your shopping cart.

You can also use Facebook Exchange for retargeting.

Equally far every bit I can see, this technique is kosher.

4) Target Existing Customers To Become Them To Be Facebook Fans

Mostly, I don't recommend this technique for smaller business because you should probably be using Facebook to grow your email list (not the other way effectually).  However, if y'all recollect this is a good strategy for yous, you can easily upload your electronic mail subscriber list into a custom audience and target your subscriber with Facebook ads.

5) Exclude Your Current Client and/or Subscribers

You can also use custom audition to exclude people from seeing your ads. So, for example, if you lot are doing an email atomic number 82 generation campaign, you can upload your current e-mail listing and apply information technology as a negative listing and so that you don't waste product money advertising to people who are already subscribed to your list. (This technique is one of the first things that I implement for every lead gen campaign that I run for my clients)

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vi) Target Prospects Who Never Open Your Emails

Exercise you take people on your list who don't open your emails? Try uploading the unopened segment of your list as a custom audience to brand sure that they are non missing your message.

seven) Target Audiences With The Same First Name

I haven't tried this ane still, but information technology'southward actually slick and y'all can probably get it to conform with Facebook'south rules if y'all take a large enough email list.

Here's how it works…

Facebook Custom Audiences IdeasStart, segment your electronic mail list in small sub-lists of people who all have the same outset name (you probably only desire to do this with people who accept popular first names). Then, you tin can create small Facebook audiences of targets who all have the aforementioned name. Now, you can hitting these people up with ads that call your audience by name. Can you imagine the CTR you lot would go on an advertising like that?

Bonus: Transport the traffic to a custom landing page that also welcomes them by their get-go name.

(Update: It is now confronting Facebook'southward rules to target users based on their commencement names.)

8) Target Your LinkedIn Connections

Most people don't know this, but you tin download a list of all your LinkedIn connections also as their electronic mail addresses. You tin apply this list to create a custom audience for your Facebook ads. This is a great, non-intrusive mode to send your LinkedIn connections to your website or to grow your email list.

9) Target Your Top Customers

Every company or system has a modest number of brand evangelists or brand ambassadors (hopefully information technology'southward not just your female parent) and yous should pay close attending to these people and treat them well. These are the people who share your content with their friends the most and really help spread the word about your visitor.

One time yous identify who your ambassadors are, information technology could be a swell thought to create target ad campaigns to brand certain that these people are seeing all your best content. You lot can even use ads to target special offers only for them.

10) Buy An Electronic mail Listing

OK, yes, this is definitely against Facebook'south rules. But I still wanted to throw this idea out in that location and let you lot make up one's mind for yourself if you want to take chances it.

Ordinarily, I would never suggest buying a list and sending them unsolicited emails. However, in the instance of Facebook ads, your targets won't know how they are being targeted. So, equally long as your ads are relevant to them, there'south no reason that anybody should mutter. This is a smashing manner to build a very targeted audience.

One Actress Idea For Non-Profits…

Here'southward one terminal idea for my not-turn a profit readers out in that location…

Y'all can target all your past donors with ads to encourage them to come back and donate again. You can likewise compile a list of superlative donors to other similar organizations, find their Facebook profile IDs and target them for these big donors for donations.

Bonus Tip:

If you've got a large email list, effort using to segment your list to employ in small custom audiences for more targeted Facebook ad campaigns. RapLeaf can give you all types of data almost your subscribers such as home possessor status, babe product buyers, high-end make buyers, travelers, and much more than. This data can really be helpful when trying to micro target your Facebook ads at niche audiences.

Here's What To Exercise Next…

Hopefully, this list has stimulated your imagination about the limitless possibilities of Custom Audiences.

Do you know somebody who is running a Facebook campaign who might be able to benefit from some of these ideas? Transport them this article and help them start making more money from their Facebook marketing.

Accept you lot tried using custom audiences yet? Tell us what methods are working best for you in the comments below.

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Aaron Zakowski


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