Why Does Art Spiegelman Assign Germans to Be Cats

What do you retrieve motivated the author, Art Spiegelman to write a comic book near his male parent'due south by?

deleted member February eighteen, 2012 01:57PM

I was just wondering what other people thought his reasons could be for writing a comic book about his father's experience than just writing a normal novel...



Spiegelman was already a comic artist, so information technology was natural for him to tell the story that fashion. Making your characters mice is also probably a way of taking a step dorsum and away then you can write honestly.
I'm not a graphic novel fan, just I thought this was great, and Maus II was as expert equally Maus I (I didn't become to Maus III - worth it?). Anyhow I thought the arroyo was very innovative, and his portrayal of the father was completely believable, i.e. what a pain in the ass he could exist.



I agree in that Spiegelman was already a comic artist so this was a natural path to take. I think the book was not only for him to tell his male parent's story to the world but for his own personal reasons, as a way of understanding his father'due south life.
the volume also has an ability to exist understood in various means, the pictures add another dimension to the story. About similar Animal Farm, where the animals have on human characteristics.
I haven't had the chance to read it still, just last year Spiegelman came out with I guess an explanation for Maus. Its called MetaMaus: A Look Within a Modern Classic, Maus.


Meliksah Kir

its because the book talks most his dads own experiences basically something he lived through and went through and this book basically gave everyone a real life idea of how those camps actually were and how people tried they're best to survive.


Carlo Omana

Nonetheless, it is still an emotional experience even though he used mice equally the characters:)



I call back Art Spieglman wanted to express his story, and his father'south story through a medium he was comfortable with, which was fine art. I idea it was a fascinating decision.

Information technology also immune u.s. to visualize his feelings (i.e. his nervous breakup, his sessions with the psychiatrist, etc...)

F 25x33

Rachel there mice not rats
Oct 12, 2012 07:28AM · flag

U 25x33



Perhaps in this format, it is also easier to deal with the subject matter. I read them all awhile back.



Comics were his "voice." At first I was put off by the rough style of the drawings but then came to remember people I knew who never understood the insanity of their parents' life in the camps. This is what fabricated Maus have it'south impact. Perhaps the volume wouldn't have become the teller information technology is had Speigelman only used words that were non a strength for him.



Art Spiegelman pretty much expresses his feelings in the outset page of the book Maus I, where he cries and goes to his father and the father responds by proverb "Friends? A couple of days with them without nutrient and y'all will know who are these friends" or something like that and its a very chilling first. It goes to evidence that the Holocaust has been such a horrible experience that it changes the very core of a person, very much seen in Art's father, - obsessive, untrusting miserly. These attributes straight affected Fine art Spiegelman'south babyhood and maybe he wanted to become to the core of why his begetter turned out to be that fashion personally. As well the decease of his mom has got holocaust backwash misery written all over it. All in all, it was such a touching and original work!



Comics as well allows for the inspired portrayals of Nazi as cats and Jews equally mice, which would, I suppose, be a terribly difficult matter to achieve in a conventional novel.


Jessica Gibbins

I loved that he did the story this way, showing united states what he went through writing the story and learning about it from his father instead of simply writing the story. I know it sounds weird, but those are the kind of stories that the majority of us love the most. The existent stories about existent lives told in a fascinating way. Fifty-fifty though I love fantasy and paranormal and dystopian novels, my favorite will always be the ones that I can chronicle to nearly real people just living life only having a story to tell. I wish more stories were told this way, because I loved it. I think that he knew all of this and that was his reason to tell the story this way. And also to show how his begetter and himself were dealing with and treatment what happened then and how they are at present and making it very honest.


Meliksah Kir

Likewise, the animals and art had a much greater symbolic pregnant to it which enhanced our read experience.



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Source: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/807319-what-do-you-think-motivated-the-author-art-spiegelman-to-write-a-comic

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