Can You Hook Up a Nintendo Switch to a Laptop

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Topic: Can you use a pc monitor

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I don't accept a tv every bit I do everything streaming tin can I hook up my switch to the pc monitor rather then a tv



I use a pc monitor with my switch. It works just fine.

Had to buy a DVI adaptor to get it to work though. And that format doesn't back up sound and so I have to connect speakers as headphones.

Edited on past Eel


Mine supports hdmi so I'll exist good cheers



BrookieCookie wrote:

I don't have a idiot box equally I do everything streaming tin can I hook up my switch to the pc monitor rather then a boob tube

Late, here only my Monitor is a 27" 2440x1440 and has both DP, HDMI, DVI and Sound output. So I can hook both my calculator and Docking station to my monitor and play on the same monitor. So if y'all want a truly HDTV output monitor find out that has DP, HDMI, DVI built in and that volition give yous all-time of both options.

Edited on by SwitchForce



yes I play all my consoles on a Asus 28" 4K monitor, I deceit go back to gaming on a TV after converting to a desk and monitor setup

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ValhallaOutcast wrote:

yes I play all my consoles on a Asus 28" 4K monitor, I cant go back to gaming on a Tv set after converting to a desk and monitor setup

I accept and have no issues when family comes over. The TV is 1080HDTV at 32" and that works just fine.



Yep I hate playing on a Idiot box likewise. I set up my 1080p monitor with HDMI, plugged headphones into my Switch, and my experience was so skillful.

Metroid, Xenoblade, EarthBound shill

I run a YouTube/Twitch channel for fun. Bank check me out if you want to!

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Switch Friend Lawmaking: SW-4023-8648-9313 | 3DS Friend Code: 2105-8876-1993 | Nintendo Network ID: ThatTrueEvil | Twitter: EvilLucario


EvilLucario wrote:

Yeah I hate playing on a Goggle box too. I ready my 1080p monitor with HDMI, plugged headphones into my Switch, and my experience was so skillful.

Then your TV wasn't a HDTV to truly feel the NS.



Quality monitors are congenital for actually high quality colour reproduction and very fast switching of colors to foreclose ghosting and tearing. A good monitor should be superior in about whatsoever scenario.


Nintendo Network ID: yorumi


@Yorumi Can adjure to that!

Afterwards trying the Switch on my gaming PC monitor, everything looked so much more than vibrant and responsive. The input lag was and so much better equally well. Honestly, sitting at a desk-bound with a wireless headset and a PC monitor is the preferred way for me now, if information technology's a unmarried player game.



Yep every bit long every bit it uses the hdmi input. I'thousand using a monitor myself right at present.

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@SwitchForce I don't care if the Goggle box is 4K or 1080p at 55" or whatever. Give me a monitor to play any mean solar day.

Metroid, Xenoblade, EarthBound shill

I run a YouTube/Twitch aqueduct for fun. Check me out if you want to!

Please let me know before you send me a FC request, thanks.

Switch Friend Code: SW-4023-8648-9313 | 3DS Friend Lawmaking: 2105-8876-1993 | Nintendo Network ID: ThatTrueEvil | Twitter: EvilLucario


EvilLucario wrote:

@SwitchForce I don't intendance if the Idiot box is 4K or 1080p at 55" or whatever. Requite me a monitor to play any day.

blah blah why did you complain....



@SwitchForce Plain in this mean solar day and age, having a strong preference = complaining. Swish.

Metroid, Xenoblade, EarthBound shill

I run a YouTube/Twitch channel for fun. Check me out if you desire to!

Delight permit me know before y'all send me a FC asking, thanks.

Switch Friend Code: SW-4023-8648-9313 | 3DS Friend Code: 2105-8876-1993 | Nintendo Network ID: ThatTrueEvil | Twitter: EvilLucario


You volition often become a better operation from PC monitors tbh. Perhaps its the pc main race within me but specs on PC gear is simply amend. although for consoles a big television receiver can besides be pretty damn sweet.

Any manner, in brusk: Yes, just go one that supports hdmi and you'll be fine.



Society monitor here as well. I don't go for the low latency gaming class ones though. I prefer NEC's more rugged durable screens where everything is just high quality. Sadly that means no HDR or 4k for me for some time, just Those things accept a beating and work forever. And the cables don't hang out the back like the inexpensive ones, they orient nicely downward.



Goes to show why post - trying to hard hither.



0107sj wrote:

Perhaps its the pc principal race within me but specs on PC gears simply better.

No that's but the truth for all the xbox x/ps4 pro those can never compete with a Gaming desktop or gaming laptop setup with 4K. They like to say otherwise but tin can hold a spit to their name. You SLI as instance multiple display effort that with xbox x/ps4 pro that isn't going happen.



Nice bit of debate going on here between monitor vs Tv set. I find both have claim. But when I picked upwards my 55 inch up to 4K Television I just don't similar going back to smaller monitors unless I am sitting at a desk.

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Information technology's as well worth noting that many TVs nosotros're seeing on the market do a lot of internal post-processing before you're shown the paradigm you lot desire. That process ads a few milliseconds onto your paradigm lag. Modernistic TVs often have a "Game" or "PC/Computer" setting. This setting is unique from the other image settings on your TV considering it allows the epitome to featherbed that extra processing and evidence you what the video bespeak shows. You can usually tell if your in the wrong fashion if you plug in a PC and you see the edges of the screen cut off. In PC/Calculator/Game mode, the image should exist well centered and non cropped. Though I personally feel gaming monitors are superior to most consumer TVs, you can still go a expert picture on the big screen if you apply the correct settings.


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