They Are Going to Use the Family Train Thing Again

The 2004 motion picture The Polar Express,based on the beloved children's book of the same proper name, rapidly became a Christmas staple when information technology was released. Even those who aren't familiar with the movie accept likely heard the Josh Groban song "Believe" which was featured in the pic and gets a lot of air time during the holiday season. The film centers on a young male child, whose name is never revealed, equally he boards the Polar Express on Christmas Eve for a journeying to the Due north Pole that will change his life forever.

While The Polar Limited is a children's movie, there's enough going on in this film to entertain both children and adults. It'due south filled with magic, suspense, and adventure, making it an ideal family motion picture. Of grade, watching a movie as an adult is a much different experience from watching a motion-picture show as a kid, so parents watching The Polar Express with their little ones at Christmas may notice a few things that go over the heads of children. Here's what only adults watchingThe Polar Express will detect.

Why can't anyone else see the Polar Limited?

It is established towards the end of The Polar Limited that only those who truly believe in Santa Claus tin can hear his sleigh bells, although they can encounter them. While this magic might perchance besides apply to the railroad train itself and explain why no one else in the neighborhood hears the Polar Express when it pulls into a subdivision, information technology doesn't explain why no one else can see it. Surely there is someone looking out the window on Christmas Eve who sees this train appear out of nowhere. It's not exactly subtle when it chugs upward and downwardly the street.

Even if they tin can't hear the incredibly loud locomotive, the Polar Express is still pretty big and imposing. Information technology besides gives off brilliant lights, illuminating the dimly lit street. So how is it possible that no 1 else notices the Polar Limited except for the person who is meant to be getting on board?

Getting on the Polar Express wasn't the smartest idea

A kid watching The Polar Express probably roots for the main character to hop on board the train for the magical gamble of a lifetime. As an adult watching information technology, all the same, you can't help just experience a twinge of fear for the boy and his obvious lack of cocky-preservation. Didn't his parents ever teach him virtually stranger danger? And yet, he non just talks to a stranger but agrees to get on a mysterious train with him.

This is a seriously dangerous matter to do, and it besides conveys the bulletin to kids watching The Polar Limited that it'due south okay to take a ride with a complete stranger. Fortunately, the train conductor was really merely trying to spread the magic of Christmas and had no nefarious plans in listen, only things could have gone so, so wrong. Hopefully, parents watching The Polar Limited with their kids remind them of the dangers of accepting a ride from strangers. It might have turned out well in the movie, merely existent life isn't always so magical.

It seems unfair that Sarah didn't go to proceed the Polar Express

Who decides who gets to become on the Polar Express? At first information technology seems like the trip is intended to restore the faith of kids who are starting to uncertainty the existence of Santa Claus similar the main character. Notwithstanding it seems that the other kids on the railroad train accept no problem assertive that Santa is real. As the heroine of the picture (who is also unnamed) informs the boy when he boards the Polar Express, they are on a magic train to the North Pole and there'southward definitely no incertitude in the girl's mind that Santa exists. So how are kids chosen to lath the Polar Express?

It seems remarkably unfair that the boy'southward fiddling sis, Sarah, doesn't get to board the train with him. As we larn at the terminate of The Polar Limited, she could have benefited from riding the train. While she believes in Santa every bit a little girl, she loses her faith in him as she grows up, while her blood brother never stops believing thank you to his journey on the Polar Express.

Have whatsoever of the parents in The Polar Express noticed that their kids are missing?

All of the kids on the Polar Limited are having a smash. Why wouldn't they be? They get to stay up tardily, drink hot chocolate, and travel to the North Pole to run into Santa. Information technology's basically every child'due south dream. But how are their parents non frantic with worry? While it seems all of the kids snuck out of their houses, yous'd think that at to the lowest degree ane kid's mom or dad would still be awake and wondering where their kid could perchance be.

It seems like the Polar Express has been making this journey for years, which makes the fact that parents aren't keeping a close eye on their kids on Christmas Eve even more bizarre. Surely in all of these years some parents would have reported their kids disappearing on Christmas Eve, leading people to worry about Christmas Eve kidnappings. Or is the parents not noticing that their kids are missing part of the magic of The Polar Limited?

Is Billy in The Polar Express okay?

To kids watching The Polar Express, and to kids who are riding on the Polar Express, Baton (one of the few characters to really have a proper noun in the moving picture) probably just seems like a shy child. If yous sentry the movie as an adult, though, information technology'due south hard not to experience a little concerned for him. Why is he so scared of other people? Why does he isolate himself on the railroad train? Is Baton actually going through something?

It seems that Billy doesn't take a lot of friends and that he may have some sort of social anxiety. What is his home life similar? Is Billy merely shy, or is there something going on there that makes him retreat into himself? The Polar Express appears to takes identify in the past, long before the invention of the internet and cell phones, and so it's likely that Billy didn't have admission to mental wellness services that could aid him cope with his anxiety, which is a shame. If The Polar Limitedtook place in the present day, Billy could do good from therapy.

There are a lot of scary moments in The Polar Express

For a children's pic that is about the spirit of Christmas, The Polar Express has an awful lot of scary moments. Kids watching the film may be a little spooked out past its creepier scenes, but adults will probably be wondering why information technology was necessary to include such scary moments in the commencement place. The conductor of the Polar Express, for example, seems to exist angry for half of the movie, even though it's revealed that he does have a good heart and loves children. So why does he always seem similar he's on the verge of yelling?

Then in that location'south the grifter who camps out on the roof of the Polar Limited and scares children who cross his path. He later torments the main character with a boob of Ebenezer Scrooge in one of the scariest scenes in The Polar Express. Why is The Polar Expressso creepy?

Putting a kid in charge of the Polar Limited is a bad idea

After it is revealed that the daughter'southward ticket is missing, the conductor leads her away from the train auto on the Polar Express that the other kids are in. The boy admits that he's the i who lost the ticket, but the girl is still hauled off. Fearful for her safe afterward the know-it-all boy (another character who isn't given a name) says she will certainly be thrown off the train, the male child goes to find her with the newly found missing ticket in hand.

Instead of finding her thrown off the railroad train, he sees that she has been put in accuse of the unabridged train while the engineers, Steamer and Smokey, deal with a trouble. The daughter is peradventure 10 or eleven years old at most — not quondam plenty to drive a auto, let lone an entire train. How is this safe? Who in their correct mind would put a child in charge of a railroad train, not to mention the lives of at to the lowest degree a dozen people? The Polar Express travels through some pretty dangerous territory, making the thought of a kid being in charge even more than terrifying.

Doesn't the male child in The Polar Limited take any pockets?

In The Polar Express, ane of the primary character's robe pockets has a hole in it, but doesn't he still at to the lowest degree has one perfectly expert pocket? Why doesn't he e'er use it? Think of all the problems that could have been averted if he had simply put the girl's ticket in his good pocket, instead of trying to jump from one train car to some other with it clenched in one hand or between his teeth. If he had put it in that pocket, it would accept never blown away.

Really, why did he even remember it was a good idea to hop train cars in the first place? Wouldn't information technology have been far more sensible to agree on to the ticket and give it to the girl afterwards she returned? It honestly seems similar the boy is just looking for an excuse to break the rules past going to another train car. His good deed is just an attempt at not getting into trouble for doing something he knows total well he isn't supposed to be doing.

Why are tickets fifty-fifty necessary for the Polar Limited?

The conductor makes it pretty articulate that having a train ticket for the Polar Express is incredibly of import. Each child has their ticket punched with office of a word at the beginning of their journey and the rest of the discussion (or words) is punched on the return trip. Each kid leaves the Polar Express with a piece of advice punched on their ticket which seems to exist the sole purpose of the tickets.

It's not similar they need proof of purchase since in that location doesn't seem to be any charge to ride the Polar Express. And the train shows up to each kid'southward house, so it's articulate that the conductor knows who is supposed to be on the train and the right person boards. And so why does he brand such a big deal out of the girl's misplaced ticket? Surely he could have replaced the ticket, which magically appeared in the beginning place. Couldn't the conductor just wave his magic hole puncher and brand a replacement railroad train ticket appear?

How is Smokey's beard so long in The Polar Express?

When the Polar Express runs into a caribou crossing, it looks like those aboard won't get in to the N Pole in time to meet Santa begin his Christmas Eve journey to evangelize presents. They're on a very tight schedule, and the caribou simply won't budge. They finally get moving again after the conductor pulls on engineer Smokey'south beard. His very, very long beard. When his beard is pulled, Smokey lets out a shriek of hurting that scares off the caribou.

While this seems pretty mean to Smokey, it also brings upwardly the question of how his beard is then long that it cascades down the forepart of the railroad train similar Rapunzel'southward hair. Co-ordinate to Bristles Resource, the longest a beard can grow is effectually iii feet, and it looks like Smokey's beard might exist closer to iv or five feet. Is this merely one of those magical things in The Polar Limited that can't be explained? Or is Smokey wearing beard extensions?

Why weren't the kids told to at to the lowest degree grab a coat before boarding the Polar Limited?

The Polar Express goes all the way to the N Pole where, needless to say, information technology'south pretty common cold. Are the kids dressed for the harsh weather condition? Non at all. They all rolled out of bed and hopped on the train, remember, then everyone is in their pajamas, nightgowns, and robes. How many of them are fifty-fifty wearing socks?

Would information technology have delayed the train too much if the kids were told to take hold of a coat? Or, better nevertheless, why couldn't the Polar Limited have coats on lath the train to distribute to the kids? And what nigh gloves, scarves, and earmuffs? How are the children supposed to survive the North Pole without being properly attired for the weather condition? According to Polar Discovery, subzero temperatures are the norm at the North Pole, so bundling up is of prime importance.

Does Christmas music play nonstop at the Northward Pole in The Polar Express?

When the Polar Express arrives at the North Pole, Christmas music is playing. It is, of course, Christmas Eve, so this is natural. But adults watching The Polar Express take to wonder if it's always Christmas at the N Pole. Does Christmas music play nonstop all year round? If so, surely that would be enough to bulldoze Santa and his elves bonkers.

And is music always piped through every speaker? It seems like the Christmas music permeates every corner of the Northward Pole. Is there no escape from the relentless barrage of Christmas tunes? It'southward easy to run across how the winter wonderland portrayed in The Polar Express could chop-chop become a nightmare of never-catastrophe Christmas songs. What would happen if one of the elves wanted to heed to some country music or put on some Elevation 40 hits?

Aren't the kids on the Polar Express going to substitution contact data?

After the Polar Express leaves the North Pole, the kids are all dropped off at their homes. Fifty-fifty though Baton had been very excited about finally having some good friends before they boarded the railroad train for the return journey, he makes no attempt at exchanging contact info with his new pals. The Polar Limited takes place in the past, so information technology's non like they can exchange Instagram profiles, but you lot'd think they'd at least exchange addresses or (landline) phone numbers.

One of the themes of The Polar Express is friendship, so it seems strange that all of the kids on the railroad train are going their separate ways without even making a hope to go along in touch. Couldn't they at least be pen pals or something? The fact that it doesn't look like the kids of The Polar Express stay in impact makes for a bittersweet catastrophe in what should be a happy vacation moving picture.

Why don't the boy's parents in The Polar Express wonder where the bell came from?

At the end of The Polar Limited, the magical sleigh bong Santa gave to the main character has vanished, having fallen out of the hole in the pocket of his robe. Santa is magic, though, and then he makes certain that the boy gets the bell dorsum on Christmas morning. Information technology's sitting under the tree in a beautifully wrapped box.

The male child's parents no longer believe in Santa, so they don't hear the bell ring although the boy and his sister, Sarah, do. Their parents remark on what a shame it is that the male child'southward present doesn't work, but they never question where it came from. They obviously know that the nowadays wasn't from them, so why aren't they curious near who sent their kid a seemingly defective bell for no apparent reason?

Why, for that matter, haven't they wondered where all the presents from Santa that the kids have been receiving over the years came from? Aren't they even a little fleck concerned that someone has clearly been breaking into their home every yr and leaving presents under the tree?


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